Hardly a day goes by when we don’t hear about a disgruntled employee threatening to sue his or her employer. Allegations of discrimination always seem to draw media attention and there rarely are follow-ups when the employer is found innocent of any wrongdoing, which happens in the majority of cases. That still means that the employer spent many dollars defending the case. Employment Practices Liability Insurance remains a coverage that is readily available, but rarely purchased.
EPLI premiums total more than $1.44 billion and cover nearly 217,000 business locations, according to MarketStance, Middletown, Connecticut. However, that leaves more than 8.4 million business locations going bare. Adding protection for employment practices may wind up adding very little to a business’s total insurance bill, but it will offer a layer of protection that could be critical. Simply defending against a lawsuit can be quite expensive, even when your client wins.
If you know any business owners who might be interested in adding this vital coverage, please have them contact the Commercial Insurance Department.